Handling our Feelings about the Tragedy of Charleston, SC

What do we do with our many feelings about the shootings in Charleston, SC and other violence in the world today?

I created and narrate this short video below to help guide you through these times of sadness and rage that can be born of such pain and violence. Before you watch it, let me briefly share where the video came from …

In addition to my sadness about the actual tragedy, I feel other feelings as well, watching it trivialized into soundbites and politicized into arguments that remove us from discussing the core issue – our painful sense of separation from each other. Thus, my own practice is to return my attention to where that sense of separation sometimes exists, inside me, in my inner world, in my own feelings – and how, if not mindful, I can fall into the well-laid trap of feeling hate or perceiving enemies. Nelson Mandela proved the power of owning his inner world and not falling for the pervasive and collective hatred. It is said that even the prison guards learned to love him. He changed a nation. This inner emotional and spiritual world is the only place we have the final opportunity to find the peace we seek and the potential for humanity changing. It’s important to see that we ARE humanity. It is not “out there.” This perception of others being a threat to our survival has no final culprit, but is perpetuated by its repetition within us. It comes from our blinded ignorance of the truth that humanity coinhabits this earth and is unified with all life.

The reward of remembering our oneness is a peace and transformative compassion that is untouched by others. Remembering this oneness is our greatest hope for sustaining human life on this rare gem in space. All this begins with you, here, now. I hope this video inspires your peace, and thus contributes to the peace of this planet. “THE WOMB OF THE HEART” (Watch in full screen)


David Ellzey is a Coach and one of four global Sedona Method Instructors, a Best-Selling Author and Noted Speaker. Find out if Conscious Coaching is right for you.

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