Find Rest Right Now
(Click “Read More” for the audio of this) 2015: The “beginning” of a new year and generally the first day of a more normal work schedule. And yet what remains unchanged with no beginnings nor endings? The now. Without a calendar or watch, join me and come back from a remembered past or imagined future to this unending now. With all your current sensations, feelings, thoughts, and experience, she remains the boundless in which all else begins and ends. For a nanosecond of existence, rest here – even as you read these words. Rest, my friend, rest from the seemingly unending “doing” of life. Even with whatever realities you face, if you wish, close your eyes right now, and recognize that this moment is awaiting your presence and awareness. Rest.
I suggest you lean back, relax your shoulders and enjoy a moment devoted just to you.
For more calming and contemplative audios and videos, see the WATCH/LISTEN tab above or below.
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The Skill of Well Being
"Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive." - Hafez Take a moment right now and follow that ecstatic evolutionary impulse which knows exactly what your heart would love for your well-being and feeling alive. Right now, in this very moment,...
From Self-Hatred to Freedom
The agony of hating oneself is
built upon one single, yet tragic, miss-perception;
that we, as a magnificently unique expression of infinite life,
could be a mistake.
AUDIO: The Rain of Peace
Do you get stirred up by politics, family, or someone cutting you off on the freeway? What do you do with those feelings? Do you add them to your catacombs of suppressed emotions - or pour them onto unsuspecting people around you? Or do you let go and heal...