We are surrounded by a world seemingly falling apart. A Chaotic World. How do we let ourselves feel our emotions, and yet not lose our awareness of the truth of our unbound, wise, and loving being? Or the truth of our connection to all of life – even to those who appear to be our greatest enemies. Watch this powerful video below of my talk at Bodhi Spiritual Center in Chicago, in which Martin Luther King, Thich Nhat Hahn, and Ruby Sales are inspirations.
If we’re on the spiritual path, we can potentially see all human experience as the opportunity to be pointed back to unlimited and unified Awareness in which it arises. This is the only path that leads to the healing of hatred and fear in our personal lives and as a species. It is only through this that we will rediscover the road to a sustainable future expressing the harmony and healing love of our deepest being.
Contact David for a free 30-Minute Consultation. CLICK
The Skill of Well Being
"Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive." - Hafez Take a moment right now and follow that ecstatic evolutionary impulse which knows exactly what your heart would love for your well-being and feeling alive. Right now, in this very moment,...
From Self-Hatred to Freedom
The agony of hating oneself is
built upon one single, yet tragic, miss-perception;
that we, as a magnificently unique expression of infinite life,
could be a mistake.
AUDIO: The Rain of Peace
Do you get stirred up by politics, family, or someone cutting you off on the freeway? What do you do with those feelings? Do you add them to your catacombs of suppressed emotions - or pour them onto unsuspecting people around you? Or do you let go and heal...
The Isreali and Palestinian in my Uber Car
True story. The Uber car driver’s eyes were on the road, but he would glance in the mirror back to me almost crying as he beseechingly wanted me to understand. He moved recently here to Chicago and when I asked where he was from he said Isreal but that he was...
No More Waiting to Know Who You Are
Can Art or Nature Awaken our Consciousness? This Nature Artist's work gave me inspiration today. I hope it does the same for you. This beautiful image is of whales sleeping, but walk with me a bit further. These gentle giants represent the vast being that...
Independence Day From The Craziness of The Mind
Independence from Oppression HAPPY DAY OF INDEPENDENCE in the U.S. But wait, perhaps it can be Independence Day for more of humanity. Follow me here. Yes, some nations are still under oppressive rule, and yes world dominance is still pursued. Oppression!...
You Are That Which is Beyond Definition
Ironic huh? We crave relief from suffering Yet we grasp tightly to the details of our pains and stories. Using them as reference points to prop up a sense of a “me.” Albeit, a me with pain and struggle. We’ll do almost anything to attempt to have a defined...
VIDEO: Agile Thinking When Life Throws a Curve
Create Agile Thinking if Life Throws You a Curve Ball When I was on crutches with a leg injury, I had to make this video. I imagine I'm not the only one with life throwing a curve. How about you? Be sure to watch to the end for the true point is how to...