From Self-Hatred to Freedom

From Self-Hatred to Freedom

The agony of hating oneself is built upon one single, yet tragic, miss-perception; that we, as a magnificently unique expression of infinite life, could be a mistake. There is no greater pain to the innocent heart than this, upon which all other judgments of self and...
No More Waiting to Know Who You Are

No More Waiting to Know Who You Are

Can Art or Nature Awaken our Consciousness? This Nature Artist’s work gave me inspiration today. I hope it does the same for you. This beautiful image is of whales sleeping, but walk with me a bit further. These gentle giants represent the vast being that we are...
You Are That Which is Beyond Definition

You Are That Which is Beyond Definition

Ironic huh? We crave relief from suffering Yet we grasp tightly to the details of our pains and stories. Using them as reference points to prop up a sense of a “me.” Albeit, a me with pain and struggle. We’ll do almost anything to attempt to have a defined self. It is...