From Self-Hatred to Freedom

From Self-Hatred to Freedom

The agony of hating oneself is built upon one single, yet tragic, miss-perception; that we, as a magnificently unique expression of infinite life, could be a mistake. There is no greater pain to the innocent heart than this, upon which all other judgments of self and...
The Way of Calm Amidst Chaos

The Way of Calm Amidst Chaos

Calm Amidst Chaos As order appears to disintegrate, Make me an instrument of thy vision amidst chaos. As violence is stirred against violence in thoughts, emotions, and actions – Strengthen my clarity of sight that I may see the pain that gives it birth. As the...
What is Beyond Ego and Pride

What is Beyond Ego and Pride

What is Beyond Ego and Pride On the spiritual path … We meditate, conjugate, perturbate, and contemplate, and yet there remains one problem here mate… The pride of the ego that hides its face while trying to own life’s events – in case it can...